To celebrate the launch of our first book, MAD Dinner, we embarked on a world-wide dinner tour: inviting architects and non-architects, critics and designers to dinner in cities around the globe.
On his recent visit to the U.S., Ma Yansong was invited to lecture at the GSAPP at Columbia University as well as the American Institute of Architects at the Center of Architecture (AIA), his topic for discussion being “MAD in China”.
‘Superstar: A Mobile China Town’, will be featured in the exhibition ‘Uneternal City’ at the 11th Venice Biennale, curated by Aaron Betsky. The exhibition invites 12 young global architects to suggest interventions into an anonymous, suburban area of Rome, which will exploit and represent new spaces and urban fabrics of a Rome of the future.
The ground breaking ceremony for the Sino Steel International Plaza took place today at the No. 1 site of Xiangluo Bay, Tianjing. Designed by MAD, the 358-meter-high building will be the landmark of the new economic district being created in the city. It is planned for completion in 2012.
The exhibition, titled ‘Dans la ville chinoise – Regards sure les mutations d’un Empire’ (Inside the Chinese City- A Look at the Mutations of an Empire), is being held by ‘Cite de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine’, a museum in Paris devoted to architecture.
MAD Office is featured in Issue 58 of Icon magazine, as one of 20 Essential Young Architects: “the cutting edge architects who are putting up skyscrapers in their 30s, or changing the way the profession works without building a thing”.
MAD’s Hongluo Clubhouse has been nominated for the Brit Insurance Design Awards, held by the Design Museum, London.
MAD Dinner is the first book by the Beijing-based architectural office, MAD. Organized around the metaphor of dinner table conversation, the book is a collection of ideas and opinions about topics ranging from politics to ecology to fame to the future.
The second European exhibition “MAD in China” of MAD opened on Nov. 3rd, 2007, at Danish Architectural Center (DAC), Copenhagen; the exhibition will last until Jan. 6th , 2008.
On August 25, MAD held a press conference at the Italian Embassy in advance of it’s upcoming exhibition “MAD in China.” The exhibition will be held at the DIOCESI Museum in Venice from September 8-30.
On the afternoon of July 15th, “MAD UNDER CONSTRUCTION”, MAD’s first solo show in Beijing, opened at Tokyo Gallery in the 798 art district with over 600 artists, designers and critics in attendance.
MAD has been named the winner of the international competition to design a landmark condominium tower at the new Absolute World community in the heart of Mississauga, Canada.
Ma Yansong and Yosuke Hayano have been awarded the 2006 Young Architects award during New York’s annual Young Architects Forum for their submited Fish Tank.